To promote opportunity for Nebraskans, former Nebraskans and friends to associate, socialize and join in planned activities.
Open to residents of the Sun Cities and nearby communities. For information or to join, contact Debora Braun-Gangler at 847-287-7328 or [email protected]. Dues are $10.00 per person per calendar year. You can also view our Nebraska Club Flyer and fill out the form on the second page and mail it to the address provided.
An updated membership directory of paid members for the current year is provided to members.
Club activities are governed by a Board of Directors consisting of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, immediate past president and four directors. These officials are elected by members for two-year terms at the annual meeting in December of each year. Terms are served beginning in January.
Newsletters are emailed periodically to members. They contain reservation forms for upcoming events and information on other activities. Other informational emails are sent to members as needed.